Owner Data and Billing Data Form

Please fill out Trademark’s Owner Data Form.

* Required Fields:


    Name and Surname or Business Name (if Company): *

    Legal Form (if Company):

    Fiscal Code or VAT:

    Address: *

    Birth place (if Person):

    Name and Surname (Referral): *

    Referral Role: *

    Country: *

    Province: *

    Postal Code: *

    Phone: *



    Contact Email: *

    Confirm Contact Email: *

    Email PEC (Certified Email):

    Are the Owner Data identical to Billing Data? *
    (if different, please fill out the form on the right)
    Si No


    I authorize the processing of personal data in accordance with
    privacy policy ex Regulation (UE) 2016/679, 27 april 2016 *


    Fill out Billing Data (only if different from Owner Data).

    * Required Fields:


      Name and Surname or Business Name (if Company): *

      Legal Form (if Company):

      Fiscal Code or VAT number:

      Address: *

      Country: *

      Province: *

      Postal Code: *

      Phone: *



      Contact Email: *

      Confirm Contact Email: *

      Email PEC (Certified Email):


      I authorize the processing of personal data in accordance with
      privacy policy ex Regulation (UE) 2016/679, 27 april 2016 *


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