
Our legal staff was involved in the IPR-Helpdesk Project a project funded by the European Commission (EC) set up in 1998 to be a central reference point for intellectual property inquiries and advice throughout the European Union.

We are also collaborating with the UAIPIT Project, the University of Alicante Intellectual Property and Information Technology Project.


We are an Intellectual Property Law firm providing comprehensive and qualified legal services aimed at best creating, managing and defending IP portfolios (trade marks, designs, patents, domain names, copyrights).

We Love what we do.

We are people with diverse strengths, continuously integrating and implementing our knowledge.


Trademark, distinctive sign of a Company. Artistic creation, hallmark of the Author.

The virtual collection of contemporary art that you may enjoy visiting our website best represents our approach to appreciate and protect the unique intangible heritage of every business.

A mixture of creativity and inspiration, combined with the expertise and passion motivating our professionals.

We are focused on making the most of your intangible assets.

Our Team

stefano merico

Stefano Merico



Law Firm Manager
Attorney at Law, Rome and Madrid.
European trademarks and design attorney, EUIPO.
Languages: Italian, English, Spanish.

“Laurea” in Jurisprudence, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
Magister Lvcentinvs, LL.M. Intellectual Property, University of Alicante (Spain).

e-mail: s.merico@mericolegal.it

manuel mele

Manuel Mele



Trademarks and designs Manager
Trademark specialist.
ITC development manager.
Languages: Italian, English, Spanish.

“Laurea” in Jurisprudence, University of Molise.

e-mail: m.mele@mericolegal.it

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